Portfolio: Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (MnSCU)

Market: Higher Education

Services: Operations Consulting - Service Provider RFPs and Contracting

Completion: 2017

Envision Strategies worked with the MnSCU System to conduct a simultaneous Service Provider RFP and Contracting process for the six Minnesota State University campuses - Bemidji State University, St. Cloud State University, Minnesota State University Mankato, Minnesota State University Moorhead, Southwest Minnesota State University and Winona State University.  The strategy entailed a six-campus RFP with the ability for each campus to make an individual service provider selection.  To accomplish this task, Envison worked with the MnSCU steering committee to facilitate the overall project while coordinating with each of the six campuses and their individual food service committees.  Our work encompassed market research, program review and assessment, preparation of the RFP and Statements of Work for each campus, development of a new contract template, proposal analysis, service provider selection, contract negotiations, transition support, and ongoing quality assurance audits.