Dining Contracts: Both Parties are Feeling the Pain. How are they moving forward?

In the last few months, we’ve had ongoing conversations with our clients and friends from community colleges to the Ivy Leagues for the sole purpose of sharing ideas and resources as we all tackle the challenges COVID-19 has set before us. Continuing with our sharing of themes from these roundtables, we’ve compiled thoughts shared by dining contract administrators as to how they are approaching new contacts or renegotiating current agreements in a COVID world.

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COVID-19 Ideation Resources for College and University Dining

It’s important to review your own internal planning for blind spots and search out fresh perspectives. It’s in that interest that we’re creating this resource. Since March of this year, Envision Strategies and Ricca Design Studios have been in conversation with our clients and friends in campus dining.  From community colleges to the Ivy Leagues, we’ve explored the ideas, challenges and concerns surrounding the COVID-19 epidemic and looked at which changes are being considering for the Fall 2020 semester and possibly beyond.

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